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NAME: Phate
RATING (out of 10): 8
REVIEW: Smugglers Run is another game from those brilliant people at rockstar and it surpasses its sister game, Midnight club in just about every way. As you can probably tell from the title, you play a member of a smuggling gang - The forgotten - and you have to traffic goods from one place to another, sounds dull? think again...
When delivering this contraband you have to avoid the law for starters and that's no mean task as your car is usually pretty susceptible to damage and those police show no mercey, and just to confuse matters, in some missions you have to avoid other gangs as they try to steal the contraband from you.
Then there is the multiplayer side of it, which is alot of fun, but - there's always a but isn't there - there are only a very limeted number of maps, thankfully though they are all so big you hardley even notice. There are four multiplayer modes to choose from ranging from a plain but still fun joyride where you and a friend just cruise aroud the map doing whatever you want, to loot grab where both of you have a team of cars and try to get the most loot, brilliant! But as I am writing this review Smugglers Run 2 is out out on the shelves, hmmm I think it's time to check my bank account...