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RATING (out of 10): 7
REVIEW: Project IGI is a game that sees you take the role of David Llewelyn Jones (Welsh incase you were wondering), in your one man crusade against a Russian nuclear madman. This is realistic shooter in which you have to track down the nuclear device that is in the wrong hands. While you are a one man army, you do get some occasional help, namely your mission coordinator by the name of Anya. She gives you your mission briefing so you don't go in clueless, and also offers hints during missions. You also get help in the form of allies who in one mission you must provide them with sniper cover. You will be provided with even more help than this in the form of you satellite computer which basically shows you the routes of all outside patrols, any security cameras and mission objectives.
Missions themselves are a kind of hit or miss affair, by that I mean you either complete the mission or you don't, there is no in-game save feature or anything of that nature, you must get from the beginning to the end in one go. So this would mean that you will end up doing a single mission quite a few times until you get the hang of it and can do it with your eyes closed. This also means that you will get frustrated a lot of the time, especially when reaching the virtual end of a mission only to be struck down by a stray bullet (it does happen). But you won't be stumped by the brilliant AI of the game because frankly the game doesn't have brilliant AI. It may just be a case of being out numbered. The AI in the game is not poor, but it is by no means ground breaking, even at the time of release. Take this scenario for instance: you have your sniper rifle aimed squarely at some poor unsuspecting guards' head, you fire, it misses, damn, but instead of him going for the alarm, he looks left then right, then carries on his patrol. So you take aim again, fire and bam! one less guard. There is also the case of respawning enemies, which just add to the frustration. But otherwise the missions are generally fun to play through more than once (but the fun does end if you don't complete it after a while), and have a fast pace to them. Also the game contains the biggest outdoor levels that have been in a game of this kind - it's too bad there is no multiplayer.
The graphics and sound are great aspects of this game, and are, in my opinion keep it up with the bigger name in the genre. The weapons are modeled to a high degree of accuracy and shoot just as accurate, recoil and everything. When you shoot different surfaces, you get different reactions, you can even shoot through wood which is a help if you remember. The sound is just as good as the graphics, the weapons sound really accurate and shooting off different surfaces will produce different sound effects, as will walking over different surfaces like glass, metal, snow etc.
This is a good game in all, but nothing more. I can see a lot of people getting extremely annoyed with the lack of any in-game save feature, but then because of the AI, having an in-game save feature would make the game really easy. Maybe the developers could get something in the middle, like a limited amount of save per mission, we'll have to see in Project IGI 2.